LUDO SIX - A board game developed in Android

by: W3 Engineers Ltd.


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1 - Introduction

LUDO SIX is a board game developed in Android that can be played by Bot, 1, 2,3, or 4 players. This game is very amazing and used updated technology. This game is an android supported game. This game is an offline base game. The player can play two types of games. One is the LUDO board another is SNAKES. At the beginning of the game, the Player will get the Tutorial for game playing instruction. Then the Player will get the profile name written option. After profile name input two options type of option will be shown one is the LUDO board another is SNAKES. The player can select one game for play. Then the player can select how many players he wanted to play. A player needs a host to play the game to tap on the “Host Game” button. The Host player will get the list of players. The host can add the player from the player’s list. While the host will try to add the player to his list, then a request will send to the player an invitation to add to his board. While the other player accepts the invitation then the host can start the game by a tap on the “Start” button. The players will get the LUDO board for play. .

Ludo Source Code has been written in such a way that can easily be understandable and has been properly commented on and documented within each script written in JAVA.

  • Supported platform Android ( JAVA)
  • Bot, 1,2, 3, 4 players game
  • SNAKES Board
  • Source code has been properly commented and documented in itself and can easily be understood.
  • Good Graphics
  • Easy to customized
  • Using google nearby for local communication
  • No need internet. It is an offline game
  • Smooth animation
  • Easy to play
  • Easy to install
  • Super friendly code
  • Well commented code
  • Basics knowledge for setup

2 - Folder Structure

2.1Unzip the file.

2.2You see the following folders: (Contains the android files)


LUDO App Configaretion.mp4 (Contains the tutorial video)

3 - Customizing the App

3.1Rename Package.

Open Android Studio

Open the project using one of the following methods, (see Figure 1, 2, 3)

In your project pane, click on the little gear icon

Uncheck / De-select the Compact Empty Middle Packages option

Your package directory will be broken into individual directories now. Individually select each directory you want to rename

Right-click on it

Select Refactor

Click on Rename

In the Pop-up dialog, click on Rename Package

Enter the new name and hit Refactor

Click Do Refactor at the bottom and allow a minute to let Android Studio update all changes

Note: While renaming com in Android Studio, it might give you a warning. In such case, select Rename All.

Open your AndroidManifest.xml file. Change the package to your new package name under the manifest tag.

Now open your build.gradle (app) file. Update the applicationId to your new package name and sync gradle.

Open values-> strings.xml file.

Rename the item file_provider_authority similar to your new package name. Have to add a unique text.

Clean and rebuild


3.2Change App Logo

Right-click on the res folder.

Click on the New, then Image Asset.

Select Launcher IconsIcons (Adaptive and Legacy) and set Foreground Layer, Background Layer.

Click on Next

Click on Finish. Done.

6.3Change App Name.

To change Application name go to the values > strings.xml file

Change the app_name item.

3.4Change App Color.

Go to the values > colors.xml file

Change the colorPrimary, colorPrimaryDark, colorAccent item values

4 - Installation

A dedicated socket server

NodeJS have to be installed in order to run the server

Installation on Locally

Make sure that you have already installed NodeJS.

Copy the file in any directory and unzip.

Explore the LudoSix-server folder and open the terminal on this directory

Open Command Prompt and firstly type => npm install then press enter, after finishing it type => node app.js node app.js

If you are asked to give any permission by showing a popup, allow that permission.

If you get “Server listening at port 3000” message on terminal (cmd), then your local is ready for accessing from the client.

Find your pc ip address.

Open Command Prompt and type => ipconfig

Then find the IPv4 address (example:, copy the address

Then find the IPv4 address (example:, copy the address

Open your android studio and open your app's source code.

Find the Constants interface located under com.w3engineers.theme.util.lib.internet package, then input BASE_URL according to formet

Then build your project android project and enjoy the online feature.

Note: Don’t close the terminal when you are accessing the local pc’s server.

Installation on Server

Installing in Ubuntu / Debain

Step 1 : At first you need to Install NodeJS.

Run the following command:

$ sudo apt update --fix-missing

$ sudo apt update

$ curl -sL -o

$ sudo bash

$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Step 2 : Install Unzip if it's not already in Server.

$ sudo apt install unzip

Installing in CentOS / Redhat

Step 1 : Install NodeJS.

Run the following commands:

$ sudo yum -y install curl

$ curl -sL | sudo bash -

$ sudo yum install -y nodejs

# Check Version

$ node -v

Step 2 : Install Unzip if it's not already in Server.

$ sudo yum install unzip -y

Copy Code

Step 3 : Copy the LudoSix zip project in your server, Unzip and locate it into the

LudoSix-server folder by following command.

$ unzip

$ cd LudoSix-server

Step 4 : Now run the project using the following command, normally it will run using port 3000.

$ node app.js

It will run the app in the foreground, closing the terminal will close the app. We need to run it in the background. To do this follow the below instruction.

  • Run the command to install npm to run node in background(Require sudo permission)
  • $ sudo npm install -g pm2
  • To run in background
  • $ pm2 start app.js
  • To check the status
  • $ pm2 start app.js

Step 5 : Check your server IP (Real IP). You can get your IP in linux by following command or asking your provider.

$ ip addr show

Step 6 : You can access your server using below formatted url:


Installing in Windows

Step 1 : Install NodeJS by following command

npm install

Step 2 : Copy the project folder after unzipping and paste it to your live server folder.

Step 3 : Now run the project using the following command, normally it will run using port 3000.

node app.js

Step 4 : Check your server IP (Real IP). You can get your IP in windows by following command or asking your provider.


Step 5 : You can access your server using below formatted url:


5 - Configure and Add Admob

Login with your Gmail account

Go to this link

From Apps option create App

If your app is in play store then select YES otherwise NO

Then provide app information and click ADD

Then you will get an App ID. Save it at values > string.xml file. You will need it later.

Then click on CREATE AD UNIT and you will find three ad types. Only Banner and Interstitial types will be used here.

Select Banner type. Provide Ad unit name and click on CREATE AD UNIT.

Copy Banner Ad unit id and save it .You will need it later.

Then again go back to Ad types and select Interstitial Ad type. Provide Ad unit name and select CREATE AD UNIT.

Copy the Interstitial ad unit id and save it. You will need it later.

Now get saved Admob Banner and Interstitial Ad unit id. Then go to Go to "Ad helper" Class then change the app id and ad id as per the selected area.

6 - Facebook’s Ads Integration

Add the following dependency in app level build.gradle file:


Open the FacebookAdsHelper class from fowling directory:

Com > w3engineers > theme >util> helper

Call the followings method where you want to show ads:


This method is used to show the Banner ads.

Copy and paste the activity_home xml file into your source code.


This method is used to show the interstitialads.

Profile picture changing issue is fixed for Android 10:

Step 1:

Remove the following the dependency from app level build.gradle file:


Add the following the dependency in app level build.gradle file:


Step 2:

Add this line to your Proguardconfig file:

-keep class androidx.appcompat.widget.** { *; }

Step 3:

Update CropImageActivity into your AndroidManifest.xml

<activity android:name="com.theartofdev.edmodo.cropper.CropImageActivity" android:theme="@style/Base.Theme.AppCompat" android:screenOrientation="portrait" />

7 - Publishing the app in Playstore

Prepare your app

Change the package name and app name.

Generate sign apk.

Configure AdMob according to your account settings

Change the app logo.

Prepare resources

Prepare one logo with size 512px * 512 px

Take a minimum of 2 screenshots of your app

Generate feature graphics screen1024px * 512px

Reference link:

Submit your app on play store

Sign in to your play store account with your credential.

Create an app.

Go to “App Release” section.

Fillup application short and long description, upload a high-resolution logo, app screenshots and feature graphics that was prepared earlier.

Also filling the privacy policy link and other required information.

Click on save and if all required field submitted properly then you will find a green check mark on app release.

Now go to “App releases” section and go to manage production release.

Upload you signed apk and leave a short note in “What's new in this release” section.

Save this section.

Now finish “Content Rating” and “Store Listing” section with proper instruction and back to “App release” section again.

Finally, review your app and submit for publication.

Reference link:

App submission

After submission, you won’t find your application immidiately on playstore.

Play store team will review your app. And after review your application will be published on playstore.

Review time could max 48 hours.


Here are some important tips for your application that will reduce the possibility of application rejection by play store.

Do not forget to change the app name and package name.

Do not forget to change the application logo.

Try not to download image or icons directly from Google. And try to use copyright free resources.

User your own AdMob credentials and link your application with AdMob account.