
A music streaming Flutter app with admin panel
by: W3 Engineers Ltd.


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1 - Introduction

Streamz is built with PHP and Flutter framework. It's a music app with admin panel. Admin can set up the configuration form backend. Admin can upload tracks and manage tracks by creating genres also. Admin can create/edit/delete/update tracks and genres also.

Key Features
  • Robust Admin Dashboard Powered by PHP:
    Efficiently manage your platform through a feature-rich admin panel developed in PHP.
  • Extensive Screen Diversity:
    Over 20 meticulously designed screens for a comprehensive user experience.
  • Monetization with Google Interstitial Admob (Admin only):
    Integrate seamlessly with Google Interstitial Admob for effective monetization strategies.
  • Strategic Placement with Google Banner Admob (Admin only):
    Optimize revenue streams through strategic ad placements using Google Banner Admob.
  • Elegant UI with Material Design:
    Immerse your users in a visually appealing interface crafted with Material Design principles.
  • Effortless Installation Process:
    Simple and straightforward installation steps ensure a hassle-free setup.
  • Customization Made Easy:
    Tailor the platform to your preferences with user-friendly customization options.
  • Clean and Readable Code:
    Benefit from code that is not just functional but also well-organized and easy to comprehend.
  • Thorough Code Comments:
    Enhance collaboration and understanding with comprehensive comments throughout the codebase.
  • User-Friendly Setup for Beginners:
    Designed with beginners in mind, the platform comes with essential documentation for easy setup.
  • Incorporating Modern Features:
    Stay ahead in the digital landscape with a feature-packed solution that incorporates the latest industry trends and technologies.

2 - Folder Structure

2.1Unzip the file.

2.2You see the following folders:

flutter-streamz (flutter application files)

Streamz-admin (admin panel files)

db.sql (sql file)

3 - Requirements

Android Studio (Hedgehog)

Flutter version 3.16+

PHP 7+

mysql database

We have made important steps yellow for up and running the project.

4 - Installation

4.1PHP version 7+ required(So update your Xampp control panel or install new one).

4.2Database Setup

In order to setting up database , first you create a database streamz_db”.

Then you can easily import the db.sql file in your server.

Link the database to admin panel

For linking up, first you will find the file from this directory:


Insert the dbname (if it is empty), username, password.

You also have to put the link of your server in the DOMAIN_NAME without the http. If you running the server locally put your IP address with the folder of the project. The link would look like

4.3Installation on Locally

Make sure that you have already installed Xampp control panel.

Copy the streamz-admin folder and paste it in your Xampp's htdocs folder.

Now run your Xampp Control Panel.

Create a database. Database name will be "stramz_db" or any other name

Import the db.sql file in your created database. (db.sql file is located in the Main_files.)

Find your pc ip address.

Open Command Promt and type => ipconfig

Then find the IPv4 address (example:, copy the address

Open your browser.In your browser url type:


For example, my pc ip address is:

So the url will be:

If you see the admin login page, then admin-panel work successfully.


Password: 123456

You also have to put the link of your server in the DOMAIN_NAME without the http. If you running the server locally put your IP address with the folder of the project. The link would look like

4.4Installation on Server

To install it on the live server, First import the databse to the server.

Then copy the project folder and paste it to your live server folder.

Please give the writeable 777 permission to the following folders and the subfolders inside them:




Login as Admin:


Password: 123456

You also have to put the link of your server in the DOMAIN_NAME without the http. If you running the server locally put your IP address with the folder of the project. The link would look like

4.5Installation with terminal

Installing apache

sudo apt update

sudo apt install apache2

sudo ufw allow in "Apache Full"

sudo apt install apache2

Copy project to web root dir

sudo cp -R wallpark-admin /var/www/html/

Installing MySQL

sudo apt install mysql-server

Create Database(mysql)

create database streamz_db;

create user db_user;

grant all on wallpark_db.* to 'db_user'@'%' identified by 'admin123';

Import Database

mysql -h localhost -u root wallpark_db < wallpark_db.sql

Install PHP 7.2

apt-get -y install php7.2 libapache2-mod-php7.2

sudo apt-get install php7.2-mysql

sudo apt-get install php7.2-gmagick

sudo apt-get -y install php7.2-gd php7.2-imagick

systemctl restart apache2

Enabling mod_rewrite

sudo a2enmod rewrite

sudo systemctl restart apache2

sudo apt-get install php7.2-gmagick

systemctl restart apache2

Edit host

If you want to change the server link. Edit this following file. If you don't want to change the link of the server, you can skip this step.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

For more detail, Please follow the link below.

Restart server

sudo systemctl restart apache2


Please give the writeable 777 permission to the following folders and the subfolders inside them:




Login as Admin:


Password: 123456

You also have to put the link of your server in the DOMAIN_NAME without the http. If you running the server locally put your IP address with the folder of the project. The link would look like

5 - Configure app with server

5.1Extract and open the project

Double click on the zip file for extract the project

Open android studio

Click on “open" & select the flutter-streamz folder

Click on “Trust Project"

5.2Basic app configuration (Get dependency and generated file)

Tools-> Flutter-> Flutter Pub Get

Go to terminal -> and paste this command
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

5.3Server Configuration

Go lib-> resources-> app_constant.dart

See following picture string red mark baseUrl and adminToken. You should change the baseUrl value and replace your base URL.

6 - Customizing the App

6.1Change package name

Go to terminal -> and paste this command:
rename setBundleId --targets android,ios --value ""

6.2Change app name

Go to terminal -> and paste this command
rename setAppName --targets ios,android --value "YourAppName"

6.2Change app icon

Go to flutter-streamz -> image

Delete the image named applogo.png and paste your own logo. Make sure you name it applogo.png, otherwise, it does not change globally (splash screen, auth screen)


Go to terminal -> and paste this command
dart run flutter_launcher_icons -f icon_launcher.yaml


Go to the and paste your image, generate your logo by following the image

Extract the file and open it

AppIcons -> Assets.xcassets ->AppIcon.appiconset Copy All files like below

Open the main folder of flutter-streamz-> ios -> Runner -> Assets.xcassets

Delete all files and paste your new copied items

Repeat same work for remaining 6 folders

6.4Change build configuration

Go to android -> , and change the store password, store key like below

Following this documentation generate your own jks file or follow the step below

Paste the command on terminal & fill up all steps
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/upload-keystore.jks -keyalg RSA \ -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload

If you are windows user please use this command instated previous one
keytool -genkey -v -keystore %userprofile%\upload-keystore.jks ^ -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 ^ -alias yourKeyAlias

Go to your user directory and copy the upload-keystore.jks file

Open your project go to android-> app and delete this upload-keystore.jks file then paste your copied file

7. Firebase & Google sign in configuration

Open the firebase console and create a new project

Enable google analysis if you want and press continue

Choose Default Account for firebase from dropdown menu then press create project button

Wait few moments to create the project and press continue

Our Firebase project is ready to be connected with our music app. Let's follow a few more steps to establish the connection!

Go to your Android Studio, open the terminal, and paste the following command: 'firebase login'. After successfully logging in through the browser, you are ready to configure the Firebase projects for your Flutter project.

Paste "flutterfire configure" this command on the terminal and configure your project like below

After selecting the Firebase project, choose 'android' and 'ios,' then press enter. This command will automatically configure the Firebase project for your Flutter project. Refer to the screenshots below for a better understanding.

Make sure to select 'android' and 'ios' and type 'yes' when prompted. Please refer to the screenshots below for a better understanding.

7.1 Google Sign In

Open the Firebase console again and navigate to your project. On the left side, click the 'Authentication' tab, then select the 'Google' option

In this window, ensure that you enable Google, choose a support email from the dropdown, and then click the 'Save' butto

Go to the Google Cloud Platform API manager and select your project, then go to the OAuth constant screen -> Edit APP

Complete these four steps after clicking the 'Edit App' button as shown in the screenshots below

Open your Flutter project and navigate to the terminal. Run the following commands:

cd android

./gradlew signingReport

This command generates the digital signature. Copy both the productionDebug and productionRelease SHA-1 & SHA-256 one by one and add them to the Firebase Console. Refer to the screenshots below for a better understanding.

Open firebase project again, click the settings icon -> Project settings

Select android -> Add fingerprint

Here, add the SHA-1 and SHA-256, one by one, that you obtained in the earlier steps

In the above steps, our Google Cloud and Firebase configuration was completed. Now, we need to update all configurations in our Flutter project. To do that, run 'flutterfire configure' and configure your project again as before.

To update the iOS configuration with Firebase, revisit the Firebase console, select 'ios' project and download the 'GoogleService-Info.plist' file.

Copy the downloaded 'GoogleService-Info.plist' file. Navigate to the Flutter project -> ios -> runner, delete the old 'GoogleService-Info.plist' file, and paste the new one

To enable Google Sign-In for iOS, you can follow this document or the steps below.

Go to the 'GoogleService-Info.plist' file and copy the 'CLIENT_ID' from the selected ... value, as shown in the screenshots below

Navigate to the 'Info.plist' file and replace the values for 'GIDClientId' and 'GIDServerClientId' with the 'CLIENT_ID' copied from previous step, as illustrated in the screenshots below

Again, Navigate to the 'GoogleService-Info.plist' file and copy the 'RRVERSED_CLIENT_ID' from the selected ... value, as shown in the screenshots below.

Navigate to the 'Info.plist' file again, and replace the values for 'CFBundleURLSchemes' copied 'RRVERSED_CLIENT_ID' from previous step, as illustrated in the screenshots below

8 - Sign in with Facebook

8.1 Android

Go to Facebook Login for Android - Quickstart and login

Click Create a New App

Click Authenticate and request data from users with Facebook Login -> Next

Click No, I'm not building a game -> Next

Put app name and contact email -> Create app

Go to Facebook Login for Android - Quickstart again and select your project

Go to Associate Your Package Name and Default Class with Your App section and put your package name like and activity name like this.

Open the flutter project on android studio -> terminal, and paste the command for generate key hash and copy the hash value.

For macOS or Linux

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

For Windows

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore" | "PATH_TO_OPENSSL_LIBRARY\bin\openssl" sha1 -binary | "PATH_TO_OPENSSL_LIBRARY\bin\openssl" base64

Go to Provide the Development and Release Key Hashes for Your App section and put the copied hash value like below.

Go to Facebook Developer Console, select your project -> App settings-> Basic -> add Privacy Policy URL & Terms of Service URL. Copy the App Id and App secret

In Android Studio, open your Flutter project -> android -> app -> src -> main -> res -> values -> string.xml and replace the values for 'facebook_app_id' and 'facebook_client_token' with your own.

8.2 IOS

Go to Facebook Login for IOS - Quickstart and select your app

Go to Register and Configure Your App with Facebook and select your app, put your app id and save it

Open the Flutter project -> ios -> runner -> Info.plist and change the values for 'FacebookAppID ' and ' FacebookClientToken' and 'FacebookDisplayName' to your own

Also change the app id from here

9 - Sign in with Apple

You will need to recreate and download the updated Provisioning Profiles for your app, so they include the new Sign in with Apple capability. Then you can download the new certificates and select them in Xcode.

10 - Change color & run app

10.1 - Change color

Open the Flutter project -> lib -> resources -> app_constant.dart and modify the color if desired

10.2 - Run app

This project contains 3 flavors:




To run the desired flavor either use the launch configuration in VSCode/Android Studio or use the following commands:

flutter run --flavor development --target lib/main_development.dart

flutter run --flavor staging --target lib/main_staging.dart

flutter run --flavor production --target lib/main_production.dart

11 - SMTP Server Config

11.1To send the confirmation email and forgot password functionality you have to configure your SMTP server. To configure the SMTP server, click the Configuration >> SMTP Configuration menu from sidebar and change the credentials of the SMTP server.


Sender Email





11.2Google SMTP Server Config

11.2.1Login to your Gmail account.

11.2.2Then visit the link:

11.2.3In the security page, turn off the 2-step verification

11.2.4Turn on the less secure app access

11.2.4Also visit the link: and enable it.

12 - Publishing the app in Playstore

12.1Prepare your app

Change the package name and app name.

Generate sign apk.

Configure AdMob according to your account settings

Change the app logo.

12.2Prepare resources

Prepare one logo with size 512px * 512 px

Take a minimum of 2 screenshots of your app

Generate feature graphics screen1024px * 512px

Reference link:

12.3Submit your app on play store

Sign in to your play store account with your credential.

Create an app.

Go to “App Release” section.

Fillup application short and long description, upload a high-resolution logo, app screenshots and feature graphics that was prepared earlier.

Also filling the privacy policy link and other required information.

Click on save and if all required field submitted properly then you will find a green check mark on app release.

Now go to “App releases” section and go to manage production release.

Upload you signed apk and leave a short note in “What's new in this release” section.

Save this section.

Now finish “Content Rating” and “Store Listing” section with proper instruction and back to “App release” section again.

Finally, review your app and submit for publication.

Reference link:

12.4App submission

After submission, you won’t find your application immidiately on playstore.

Play store team will review your app. And after review your application will be published on playstore.

Review time could max 48 hours.


Here are some important tips for your application that will reduce the possibility of application rejection by play store.

Do not forget to change the app name and package name.

Do not forget to change the application logo.

Try not to download image or icons directly from Google. And try to use copyright free resources.

User your own AdMob credentials and link your application with AdMob account.

Admin Panel

13 - Folder Structure of Admin Panel

13.1Inside the project folder, you will see the following directories that are important to setup and customizing the admin panel.




13.2Home directory: All the public files, uploaded images/audios, apis are inside this directory.

api : List of all apis.

admin\common\php : Common files like header, footer, sidebar.

admin\common\other : Custom Styte and Script file.

admin\plugin-frameworks: All the external style and javascript files.

admin\uploads: All the uploaded image and video files.

13.3private directory: All the private files like models, controllers files are inside this directory.

private\init.php : All the settings of the backend.

private\models : All the models.

private\vendor : External php scripts like phpmailer.

private\init.php : All the settings like database credential, uploaded folder name, item count for pagination.

Please make sure you have change the database credential in the private/init.php file.

Please make sure you have set the writable 777 permission to the following folders




13.4Changing maximum file size

For changing the maximum file size of the server, first you must change the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize of the server and then restart the server. For details please visit the following link Click Here

In the root of our project there is a .htaccess file.

You can change this file to configure the upload file size of the server.

Also you nedd to change the following constants form private\init.php file.

define("MAX_IMAGE_SIZE", 1.5)

define("MAX_AUDIO_SIZE", 50)

define("MAX_VIDEO_SIZE", 25)

Open private > init.php


You have to change the following lines form .htaccess also.

php_value upload_max_filesize 20M

php_value post_max_size 20M

14 - Functionality of Admin Panel


Admin have to create an artist in order to create track. Put the image, artist name, genre of the artist(If you didn't create any genre, please add a genre), description and the make the artist active by clickin the switch button and add the artist.

Admin can upload multiple tracks from the tracks option form the artist > tracks


Admin can view / create / update / delete the genres from the genre sidebar.


Admin can view / create / update / delete the albums from the albums sidebar. First Upload the image of the album. Admin can make the album featured( This is needed for the slider of the app. All the featured album will be shown in the slider of the app). Put the title, artist, Genres, Tags (This is optional). And make the album active.

Admin can put the description of the album in the album > description

Admin can upload multiple tracks from the tracks option form the album > tracks


All the playlist is being showin in this page. admin can view and delete a playlist from here.


In the Users page admin can see all the registered users of the app. And can delete a user form here

14.4Google Admob

Admin can configure admob credentials from admin panel. Also admin can on/off admin from the toggle button in the admob page.

14.5Push Notification

Admin can send push notification from the admin panel. First, Admin have to put the AuthKey in the Configuration > push Notification field.

To get the Auth key please follow section 8

Admin can create, delete, Update notification form the Push Notification sidebar

14.6App Feedback

Admin can view all the feedback which given by the users from the app here.

To get the Auth key please follow section 8

Admin can create, delete, Update notification form the Push Notification sidebar


In the configuration page, admin will be able to change the icon, site title and site tag line in the Configuration > Site Configuration.

In the configuration page, admin will be able to change SMTP configuration form Configuration > Site Configuration.

In the configuration page, admin will be able to change Firebase Auth for the push notification form Configuration > Push Notification.

To secure the API we have used the api token. This token is being used in the android app to secure the API. Admin can change the Api Token form Configuration > API Token. For more information check Section 5.2